Success Centered Around PARTNERS

EKOAMAZON CENTER for Sustainability & Education is a natural progression in our collaboration with the people of the Loreto Region of Peru and several organizations dedicated to preserving the region's vibrancy. Our ongoing partnership with the local residents is made possible through collaboration with our partner organizations. We are honored and humbled to work alongside their transformational and devoted leadership and staff.  We look forward to engaging in new partnerships with organizations and individuals who have been instrumental in EKOAMAZON CENTER for Sustainability & Education’s success.

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Made an immediate impression on Ron with their warm smiles, generosity and welcoming spirit.

  • Compelled Ron to return year after year to interact with and gain new perspective.

  • Worked side by side with our trip participants in service projects designed to build partnerships.

  • Shared their dreams, desires and needs as we conducted interviews during the summers of 2015 and 2016 to inform our future engagement in the region.

  • Inspired us with their commitment to education and sustainability resulting in our commitment to programming through the EKOAMAZON CENTER for Sustainability & Education.

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Ron’s first life-changing exposure to the wonders of the Amazon, as a participant of their Educator’s workshop in 1995.

  • Founded by Frances Gatz to educate educators who then ignite a sense of environmental responsibility in their students.  

  • Our initial network of innovative educators, who continually inspire us to pursue our commitment and offer life-changing immersion experiences for everyone. 

  • Provide visionary support for the region under the leadership of Christa Dillabaugh.

  • Support a variety of educational activities for the students at EKOAMAZON CENTER for Sustainability & Education.

  • Click here to learn more.

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Local tour company provides lodging, food, transportation, local guides, experiences, and site visits.

  • Founded by Peter Jensen to preserve and sustainably share the value of the rainforest environment through conscious education.

  • Connect us with people, plants, animals, and other wonders of the rainforest.

  • Provides visionary support for the region through the leadership of Pam Bucur.

  • Supplies logistics and accommodations for EKOAMAZON CENTER for Sustainability & Education administrator and volunteers.

  • Click here to learn more.


Committed to promoting the conservation of primary rainforest, as well as social development through education.

  • Source educational materials from Iquitos thus supporting the local economy, reducing purchasing costs and minimizing the environmental impact.

  • Connect us to service opportunities in which we work together with Amazon villagers to inspire self-reliance in their ever-changing environment.

  • Have kept EKOAMAZON Sustainability & Education Center (formerly Amazon Library) operating since 2011 through the leadership of Cynthia Smith and Brian Landever.

  • Serve as our on the ground partners to ensure a smooth transition and rigorous programming for EKOAMAZON Sustainability and Education Center.

  • Click here to learn more about CONAPAC and here to learn more about the Detroit Zoo and the Adopt-A-School.