“My biggest fear going into this experience was the language barrier and missing out on being able to connect with the people there. I learned you don’t need to know the language in order to create a friendship. I have never experienced a happier time in my life, every aspect of the experience brings you pure joy even in the little unplanned moments. I have never been more grateful to be able to be given this opportunity it is truly a week I'll never forget.” - Rebekah
“I have never experienced something so vivid and life-giving as I have experienced in the Amazon. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity, it has changed me for the better” - Katherine
"This entire experience was nothing short of remarkable! Watching the sun rise over the rainforest on the canopy walkway made me feel like I could reach up and touch heaven. This place, and the people I met during my time here, will always hold a special place in my heart." - Lisa
“Whenever people ask me about this experience, I struggle with being able to put my feelings into words. In a week, I have never learned more about myself and those around me. My time in the Amazon made me rethink the things I place value on and put my time towards in my life.” - Kathryn
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.’ Saying hello to the people in Peru was one of the easiest things that I’ve had to do. They welcomed me with open arms and open hearts, making connections almost immediately. It was this deep desire for connection that everyone came in with that made saying goodbye so hard. As the villagers ran down to the dock while our boat pulled away, as the kids ran alongside our bus holding our hands and as we said goodbye to our leader who shared a part of his life with us, I realized that I left behind a piece of my heart in Peru.” - Amelia
“This experience impacted me more than I expected and I felt a myriad of peace, joy, and love while in this special place. I learned about other cultures, myself, the rainforest, and the river and this level of immersive learning cannot be achieved any other way.” - Kelleigh
"From the moment we could see the greenery in Iquitos, I knew the week to come would change my perspective on what I have and what truly matters in life.” - Claire
"The beautiful people in Peru touched me in a unique way that has sparked a new found inspiration for change and putting in effort into making things happen for the world. " - Ava
“I hope to live with a part of my soul in the Amazon forever. You can’t help but be happy here. My goal is to continue to search for this feeling of intent and purpose well beyond my time in the Amazon.” - Eva
“I forgot about my life at home, my friends, my family, my stress, my grades, everything. I don’t know what it was about this experience, but in those moments of happiness, nothing else mattered.” - Atia
“You have showed me what it is like to live for others and what passion looks like.” - Presley
THE EKO Experience -
For the sights and sounds of the Amazon rainforest, river, and people, check out our video on the EKO Experience!
Your Trusted Guides
Roldan Hidalgo Peso
Born in the village of Timicuro Grande along the Amazon River, Roldan has been a guide for over 36 years. He truly enjoys his job everyday, especially working with student groups. His specialties are culture, fish, animals, plants, insects and spiders.
Ron Rossi
As the founder and president of EKOAMAZON, Ron loves bringing others to the Amazon so they can experience the magic he did when he first visited in 1995. Now, 41 trips later, he’s still going strong.